
Screenshot of flfa-project

A screenshot of the project in which one of the fighters is performing a Dragon Punch

Behind the Project


Code Language GDScript (Godot Engine 3.4.2)
Est. Time Spent 25 hrs
Timeframe Apr. 27, 2022 -- May 4, 2022
Lines of Code 852


I made this project as a final project for my Formal Languages and Finite Automata class. The aspect of that class I wanted to focus on in this project was RegEx, which forms the backbone of the motion input system.

This was one of my tightest projects I’ve ever done as far as timing is concerned. Most of the work ended up being done within three days, which required me to consider my work approach.

I ideated the main requirements first and put the goals of the main systems as Github Issues. I also took a “bottom-up” approach, first working on what would be the core system of the game and finishing requirements for the assignment, then working on the actual game portion.

Each day had its own set of tasks. I ended up being very happy with this approach.

Where to Find the Project

Project Link: https://github.com/PistolRcks/flfa-project